Littlefork Big Falls High School
Class of 1970
In honor of those who have gone before us
Curtis Olson 9/27/1952 -1/17/1977 Obituary
Cindy Carter Timmer 7/1/1952 -9/25/2000 Obituary
Debbie Donner 10/27/1952 -6/24/2001 Obituary
John Pasten 11/15/1952 -6/17/2008 Obituary
Conrad J. Timmer 10/12/1952 -12/25/2009 Obituary
Richard Williams 4/14/1952 -3/6/2013 Obituary
Jerry Pellinen 7/8/1952 -7/19/2016 Obituary
Delroy Olson 4/29/1952 -10/22/2017 Obituary
Bob Fortier 7/30/1952 -12/4/2017 Obituary
Betty Parker 10/8/1952 -11/22/2019 Obituary
Bonita Larson 10/15/1952 -4/25/2021 Obituary
E-mail and let me know how you're doing and where you are. Here is the update that I have, mostly from 2010- class updates.
Jon Promersberger
The 40TH reunion 2010 was held the evenings of Wednesday June 30 at Lorna's and Thursday July 1 at Sha sha. Invitation letter I hope eveyone had a great time.
I'm trying to put together a contact list and would appreciate your input.
Email me and I will send you the password for the list (corrected email address 11/1/17).

Cookbook from 1962 fourth and fifth grade.
Photos from 1975 5th reunion.
Photos from 1980 10th reunion.
Photos from 1990 20th reunion.
Photos from 2000 30th reunion.
Photos from 2010 40th reunion.

Our 50th is rapidly approaching.
-when gas was 39 cents a gallon at the junction
-hamburgers were 40 cents at the bakery
-movies were 75 cents at the Rex Theatre
-Mary and Jerry were homecoming royalty
-our class play was Our Town (Kieth got the best actor award-he was the stage manager)
-Barbara Streisand was in her first movie
-Mary Jo Kopechne was killed
-internet wasn't a word yet (arpanet had been started-100 kbps-the first successful connection was Oct, 69)
-a hand held calculator was a piece of paper and a pencil
-President Nixon introduced the Nixon Doctrine
-First flight of a Boeing 747 and Concorde and Apollo 13 announces "Houston, we have a problem"
-The Beatles release "Let it Be" and their last 8-track by the same name, then announce their split
-The Jackson Five make their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan shoe
-Arlo Guthrie releases Alice's Restaurant
-Tiny Tim is married on the Johnny Carson show
-First Earth Day was held
-Pluto was a planet